Icloud hacked naked photos of hollywood celebrity

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“All photos were taken with her iPhone and sent through iMessage to her boyfriend,” the affidavit says. Celebrity A S, “who has appeared in several movies and TV shows”, learned she was a victim of the leaks through the news media, the document says. Two of the stars talked to the FBI, according to the affidavit. Other hacked accounts belonged to other celebrities, models and their friends and families, the affidavit said.

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The affidavit identifies eight celebrities by their initials only: A S, C H, H S, J M, O W, A K, E B and A H. A phone number associated with the address went unanswered.Īt the time of the raid, investigators believed an IP address for a computer at the home was used to access Apple iCloud accounts belonging to celebrities, according to an affidavit unsealed in April. No one answered the door when the Associated Press visited the address Wednesday.

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